Set up the necessary settings

These settings can be configured if you want to change the auto syncing time// if you want to alter the port no. // if you want to create the back up for your Tally data.

Configuration Setting

The Livekeeping Tally Connector Application will automatically detect and save the settings if your Tally is open and the port number is set to 9000; otherwise, you will need to enter the correct port number.

Open the "Tally" accounts for the businesses you want to sync to your phone.

Tally Auto Start On

Livekeeping syncs Tally only when it is connected, and for that both the software should remain open simultaneously. Toggle the Tally auto start feature so that every time you do not have to start the Tally manually, connector app will start the Tally automatically and will sync the data in background. You can switch on the “Tally Auto Start”. Please note that Tally auto start will only work if there is no password lock in your Tally.

Sync Setting

Under this tab you can easily choose the syncing time interval such that the data from Tally will be synced automatically after the set time.

Backup Setting

You can create the tally backup on daily/weekly/monthly basis by selecting the time on the desktop app and also, you can select the companies for which you would like to create the tally backup for.

Last updated